The other day at work the students had to research 2 different cultures apart from their own. One of the students said me "I want to research about you Raj" - Dhan Guroo Nanak! He started looking at images of Sikhs, and started asking me why my Turban was so different to theres haha!
He then looked for images of Sikh women and found some of Bibi Balpreet Kaur Jee and asked if women had to wear Dastaara aswell. He was so shocked when I told him even women have to keep their hair and wear a Turban. He said he's never known a Sikh woman to keep all of her hair. Dhan Vaheguroo.
Then the girl sitting next to him said "I've got so much respect for Sikhs". She continued "my mum works in London and has to get a taxi pretty much of all the time. In London it's mainly Sikhs and Muslims who work as taxi drivers. My mum always tells me that the majority of Muslim taxi drivers always treat her as if she is beneath them and they start flirting with her and other disgusting things, but all of the Sikh taxi drivers have treated her with so much respect so we respect Sikhs a lot." Dhan Guroo Nanak Dhan Teri Sikhi.