Monday, January 27, 2014


One of the builders in our house is 63 years old, but very fit physically. He always likes to spend hours (and I mean hours) talking to me about his life and other random things - especially when I'm in a rush and have to go to work! Maybe I just have one of those faces or something.

He likes to talk about religion and other "Sikhs" he has met and wonders why we do things differently (lol). But the other day he said something that just made me put my head in shame, he said "You people really know how to throw a party, I don't think I've ever seen so much alcohol in my life. I would never allow that at my wedding. I saw lots of elderly men and some women not being able to walk and talk properly because they were so drunk. I don't think I've ever tried Indian vegetarian food, there were just platefuls of meat being put infront of me." I thought oh Vaheguroo, what am I suppose to say to that?! I explained that there is a very fine line between religion and culture.

As if that wasn't bad enough he went to say "My friend wears a turban, he wears a different one to yours. He has it so tight around his eyes it looks like he can't take it off. (I think he might have said something about him having a big beard but I'm not sure if that's what he said.) When they went to a wedding they looked very nice, he wore a nice suit and his wife wore a nice Indian suit with her hair tied up. But at the party they turned into different people. He took his turban off and let all of his hair down and started downing all of the alcohol bottles. His wife also took off her suit and wore short, tight clothes and let her hair down and also started drinking." What a sad state of affairs! The same Sikhi that countless Shaheeds have given their lives for, is being portrayed like this. I really hope it gets better before it gets worse. Needless to say I was gobsmacked and words just couldn't come out of my mouth.

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